The Association of the Past Pupils of Don Bosco is a worldwide organization of the alumni/ae of the Salesians of Don Bosco. The movement springs from the interest and affection which binds the past pupils to Don Bosco and to the Salesian Family. Through the Association, the members wish to maintain and develop the insights and inspiration received at the school of Don Bosco. Past pupils belong to the Salesian Family by reason of that special bond forged by their being educated in a Salesian educational centre. In its organizational structure, the Association consists of the ‘Unit’ at the local level, the ‘Provincial Federation’ at the province level, the ‘National Federation’ at the national level and the ‘World Confederation’ at the international level.
Art. 1: The Unit The Unit is made up of past pupils who, aware of the commitments contained in the Statutes and Regulations of the Association of Don Bosco Past Pupils at unit, province, national and world levels, have voluntarily organized themselves into an association attached to a Salesian Institution.
Art 2: Aims of the Association
- The general aims of the Association of Don Bosco Past Pupils are:
- to keep in touch with, unite and animate all former beneficiaries of Salesian education so as to help them to preserve, develop and live the values of the Salesian education they received;
- to spread the Salesian spirit and to involve themselves in Don Bosco’s mission to the youth of today;
- to uphold and promote the value and the rights of the human person and the family; and
- to work towards building up a social and political order based on justice, peace and harmony.
- Every Unit of the past pupils aims at serving all former pupils, irrespective of whether they are registered or not. Every past pupil tries to keep alive the ties of fraternal friendship initiated by Don Bosco and continued through his Salesians.
Art 3: Enrolment and Membership
- To become a member of a Unit, a past pupil should have frequented a Don Bosco institution for a period of time sufficient to enable him/her to know Don Bosco and assimilate the Salesian spirit to some extent.
- He/she has to submit a written application for membership to the Unit secretary, together with the membership subscription. If the Unit committee finds the application in order, the applicant is enrolled.
- To take membership from a Unit attached to a particular institution, one need not have frequented the same institution. It is sufficient that he/she had frequented a Don Bosco institution anywhere in the world.
- Past pupils who have passed through more than one Don Bosco institution take membership from the Unit of their choice. In case of transfer of residence, a past pupil may take membership from a Unit that is more convenient to him/her, after intimating the unit of origin.
- There are two types of membership – annual and life. Life members shall receive a Life Membership Card from the National Federation.
Art. 4: Membership Subscription
- The Unit fixes the subscription amount for both annual and life membership. However, for every life subscription collected, the Unit shall pass on to the Provincial Federation the cost of the life membership card + 25% of the subscription amount, while the Provincial Federation shall, in turn, pass on to the National Federation the cost of the card + 25% of the 25% it receives from the Unit.
- Members who transfer from one Unit to another shall pay to the Unit its membership subscription – annual or life. However, life members who transfer from one unit to another within the same province need to pay only the unit’s share of the subscription (i.e. 75%). If the transfer is to a unit in a different province, the unit’s share and the Provincial Federation’s share should be paid (i.e. 75% + 18.75%).
Art 5: Rights of Members
Registered members have the right to:
a) Vote during meetings and elections in the Unit of one’s registration, subject to Art 18d.
b) To receive the official news organ and other communications.
c) Enjoy other facilities granted by each unit.
Art 6: Activities
Any activity of the Unit is valid if it corresponds to the aims of the Association. The unit encourages its members to be active as a group and as individuals in any work or project that promotes the aims of the Association.
Art 7: Tasks of the Unit
- To hold the Annual General Assembly (AGA).
- To hold periodic programmes for the on-going formation of the past pupils so that they, as individuals and groups, grow in their awareness of the obligations of being Don Bosco Past Pupils. This in concrete would involve various activities like:
- Study of the situation of the youth of the locality, especially of those who are marginalized or neglected, in view of addressing their most urgent needs.
- Study of Don Bosco’s system of education and the Salesian spirit.
- Organizing programmes for developing leadership qualities in past pupils so that they become community leaders and agents of peace and harmony in society, promoters of justice, and defenders of human rights.
- Organizing educational, social, cultural and spiritual activities for themselves and for the young people of the locality.
- Organizing programmes to develop in young people the sense of responsibility and concern for society.
- Study and implementation of the resolutions /directives of the Provincial Federation.
Art 8: Annual General Assembly (AGA)
The Annual General Assembly is the Directive Organ of the Unit. The AGA is held once a year, to which all past pupils are invited. However, only those who are registered and paid the membership subscription may vote at the AGA.
Art 9: Tasks of the Annual General Assembly
- To pass resolutions on the activities of the Unit.
- To approve the Annual Report and the Statement of Accounts.
- To elect the Committee members of the Unit.
- To fix membership subscription.
Art 10: The Unit Committee
The Unit Committee is the Executive Organ of the Unit. The Committee consists of the Delegate, President, Vice-President (Senior), Vice-President (GEX), Secretary, Treasurer and a minimum of 4 Councillors.
- The Committee may co-opt other past pupils. Co-opted members have no right to vote and their number should always be less than that of the elected members.
- The quorum is one more than half of the elected members.
- The Committee meets once a month, and whenever the President and the Delegate deem it necessary.
- To foster the growth of the Unit and create better relationship among past pupils, the monthly meetings of the Unit Committee may be followed by an informal meeting with all past pupils who are able to attend.
Art 11: The Delegate
- The Delegate is not an elected member. He is appointed by the Salesian Provincial. He takes the place of Don Bosco, as a spiritual animator and guide. Wherever the Delegate is not the Rector of the House, he acts as his representative.
- He is directly responsible for the on-going formation of the past pupils.
- He carries out his work of animation through his interventions during the meetings and gatherings, through his communications, personal contacts, visits, etc.
- If he is not himself the Rector, he takes care to brief the Rector and his Council regularly regarding the plans and activities of the Unit.
- He keeps the Provincial informed of the state of the Unit.
- He maintains timely communication with the Provincial Delegate and keeps him informed about the situation of the Unit.
- He ensures that the Unit faithfully adheres to the statutes, rules and regulations of the Organization and that everything is done in the Spirit of Don Bosco.
- As an animator and guide, he is present at all meetings and gatherings. Whenever he is unable to attend, he keeps himself informed of what takes place at the meetings.
- As a member of the Committee, he takes full part in all its deliberations, decisions and activities. His presence at meetings of the Provincial Federation Council is vital.
- He acts as a link between the past pupils and the Salesian community.
- He is a compulsory signatory to all financial transactions of the Unit.
Art 12: The Unit President
- He represents the Unit in its dealings with the Salesian Congregation, the Provincial Committee, the religious and civil authorities and others.
- He convenes the Annual General Assembly, the Unit Committee meetings and all other meetings of the Unit. He prepares the agenda for these meetings and presides over them.
- He communicates to the members the decisions of the Provincial Council and sees to the execution of those decisions which have a bearing on the Unit.
- He presents to the Provincial Committee the Annual Report and the Statement of Accounts of the Unit.
- He keeps the Unit Delegate informed of how things are in the Unit and what happens in meetings which the Delegate is unable to attend.
- He ensures that the Unit is represented at all Provincial Council meetings and at other gatherings where the Unit is invited to participate.
- He ensures that all committee members carry out their duties diligently and in keeping with the regulations.
- After every major activity, he conducts an evaluation of it. Besides that, once in four months he makes an assessment of the overall performance of the unit (membership, finances, formation, deliberations carried out, etc).
- Whenever important functions are held at the unit level, the President shall extend invitations to the Provincial Federation Council and to the neighbouring units.
Art 13: The Unit Vice-President (Senior)
- He takes the place of the President in his absence.
- He is present at all Committee meetings and assists the President in his duties.
Art 14: The Unit Vice-President (GEX)
- He shall not be more than 35 years at the time of his election.
- He takes part in all Committee meetings. He takes care of the young past pupils and is responsible for their recruitment and formation.
Art 15: The Unit Secretary
- He keeps up-to-date the list of the members and the list of all the past pupils of the institution.
- He prepares and sends out notices for meetings of the Committee and of the AGA.
- He attends to the correspondence of the Unit.
- He draws up the minutes of the meetings of the Committee and of the AGA and presents the same at the meetings.
- He prepares the chronicles and statistics of the Unit and collects the documentation, photos, etc. pertaining to the Unit.
- He looks after and preserves the archives of the Unit, taking special care to file all correspondence and to keep them up-to-date.
- He prepares and sends to the Provincial Secretariat the reports and documentation regarding the principal activities of the Unit.
- He keeps the President informed of all happenings in the Unit and ensures that no decision is made or any correspondence goes out of the office without the President’s knowledge and consent.
- On the completion of his tenure, he hands over all files and documentation regarding the Unit to the incoming Secretary.
Art 16: The Unit Treasurer
- He prepares and keeps up-to-date the inventory of goods owned or used by the Unit.
- He receives subscriptions, donations and any other income and accounts for the same.
- He prepares the internally audited Statement of Accounts to be approved by the AGA.
- He maintains the registers and books of accounts and carries out the administrative acts of the Unit.
- He deposits the money of the Unit in a Bank account in the name of the Unit which is to be operated by two signatories out of the three (Delegate, President, Treasurer). The Delegate should be the compulsory signatory.
- He passes on to the Provincial Federation the amount fixed as contribution to the Provincial Federation.
- On completion of his tenure, he hands over to the incoming treasurer all registers, books, cash and documents relating to finance.
Art 17: Unit Councillors
The Councillors take part in the Committee meetings with full and equal rights as the other members. They may be assigned special tasks by the President. Co-opted councillors will not have the right to vote.
Art 18: Election Rules
- Elections are held once in four years.
- Units shall have their elections before the Provincial Federation election. The Provincial President notifies the Units about the election.
- The election of the members of the Unit Committee is the privilege of the registered members who have paid the subscription and are present at the General Assembly.
- Members registered less than six months before the election shall not have the right to vote, but may be present at the meeting. Similarly, to stand for election, a member must have completed six months from the date of his/her enrolment.
- Whether a member qualifies to vote in or stand for an election is decided by the Electoral Commission (EC). The decision of the Commission in this regard is final and may not be questioned.
- Members desiring to stand for election shall submit their nominations in writing, using the prescribed format, endorsed by two registered members of the Unit, to the EC at least 20 days in advance of the date of election.
- The Annual General Assembly fixes the total number of members needed for the next committee. This is to be done at the Assembly preceding the one that will actually elect the Committee.
- Committee members are elected from a list of nominees, without assigning particular offices to any one of them. For being elected to the Committee, candidates need to obtain only a relative majority.
- The Committee members elect the office bearers (i.e. President, Senior Vice-President, GEX Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Councillors) from among themselves, by separate voting for each post. To be elected, office bearers need to obtain absolute majority. In case of a deadlock after the first two ballots, the matter shall be decided by relative majority, in the third ballot.
Art 19: Electoral Commission (EC)
- The EC consists of the local Delegate, the outgoing President and an independent person who is not a member of the Past Pupils Association.
- The independent member is named by the outgoing committee.
- The Unit President presides over the EC.
- The EC is the final authority on all matters related to elections.
- The EC has a right to reject a member’s nomination if, in its opinion, a candidate is found to be unsuitable. The decision of the electoral commission in this regard will be final and shall not be questioned.
- The EC will ascertain whether the members filing nominations are registered, active, and enthusiastic and, if elected, will be available and willing to spare time and energy for the Unit in the true spirit of Don Bosco.
- The EC shall record and file all correspondence and minutes of the nomination and election of candidates.
- Before the election, the EC will once again brief the members about the procedures.
Art 20: Election Procedure
- After the National Committee election is announced, the Provincial President, with his Committee, fixes the deadline for the Provincial election, and asks the Units to get ready for elections in such a way that they are completed before the Provincial elections.
- The Unit Committee fixes the date (if not already done) for the Annual General Assembly which has the task of electing the new Committee, and constitutes the Electoral Commission (EC) as stipulated in Art. 19a & 19b of the Statutes.
- The Unit President informs all members about the election.
- The EC calls for nominations as stipulated in Art. 18f of the Statutes.
- After nominations have been received, the EC verifies if they are in order as per Art. 18d, 18f and 19f and prepares the ballot papers with the names of all the nominees.
- The voting is done by ticking the names of the candidates in the ballot paper. Only ‘x’ number of names shall be ticked, where ‘x’ is the total number of members required for the committee.
- The outcome is decided by relative majority as specified in Art. 18h. The EC declares the leading “x” number of candidates as elected to the Committee.
- The EC then signs off and hands over to the Delegate the files and documentation regarding the election.
- Thereafter, the members elected to the Committee meet with the Delegate to elect the office bearers (namely: President, Senior Vice-President, GEX Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Councillors) as per Art. 18i of the Statutes. The Delegate presides over this meeting with the right to vote.
Art 21: Duration of Office
- The Unit President holds office for a period of four years and may be re-elected to the same office for a second term consecutively, but not for a third consecutive term. He may, however, be elected to another office.
- The other members of the committee are also elected for a term of four years. They may, however, be re-elected to the same offices for consecutive terms, without limit.
Art. 22: Vacancies
When the office of a Committee member other than a councillor becomes vacant due to any reason, the Committee will appoint another committee member to that post who will hold the office only till the completion of the mandate of the member who has ceased to hold office.
Art 23: Incompatibility
The offices of the President, Sectary and Treasurer of the Committee are incompatible with offices of a public character carrying grave responsibilities of a political nature.
Art 24: Disciplinary Action
- Any office bearer who does not attend three consecutive meetings without leave of absence shall cease to hold office.
- A past pupil will cease to be a member if, in the considered opinion of the Committee, he/she is guilty of unbecoming behavior or any action harmful to the Association.
Art 25: Young Past Pupils – GEX
- The unit members have, among their most important duties, in keeping with the specific mission of the Salesian Congregation, the care of youth. The care of the youth must be done, with proper adaptation, (i) for the young persons who are about to leave the institution, and (ii) for the young persons who have become past pupils, by enhancing the value of their presence in the Association.
- Keeping in mind the special needs of the groups mentioned above, the Vice-president (GEX), with the collaboration of the Committee and the Council, shall organize suitable programmes for them from time to time.
Art 26: Secretariat of the Unit
The Unit has its office preferably in the Salesian institution where it has been formally established. The institution places at its disposal a place suitable for its meetings and organization.
Art 27: Newsletter of the Unit
The Unit is expected to publish a newsletter at least once in six months.
Art 28: Unit Banner
Every Unit shall have a banner of its own with the reproduction of the face of Don Bosco. It shall be exhibited on occasions of solemn celebrations and meetings. The Unit banner needs the approval of the Provincial Committee.
Art 29: The Past Pupils’ Badge
The badge is the same for the entire world Confederation. Its use is optional but highly recommended because it is an external sign of unity among the past pupils. On the badge, around the figure of Don Bosco, are the words “Leads and Protects”, indicating the role Don Bosco plays in the life of every past pupil. The badge is given to members at the time of joining the organization.
Art 30: Past Pupils’ Motto
The motto of the Past Pupils shall be as given to us by our Father and Founder, Don Bosco: “KNOW, LOVE, HELP ONE ANOTHER AND KEEP UNITED”
Art 31: Identity Card
Each member shall obtain from the Unit, an identity card, recognized by the National Federation.
Art 32: Past Pupils “Groups”
By Group is meant an Association of past pupils constituted in a place where there is no Salesian institution. The group, like the Unit, is an autonomous body with a Committee of its own. The forming of Group must be recognized by the Provincial Federation Committee. The animation of the Group pertains to the Provincial Delegate.
Art. 33: Finances
The Unit is financially supported by the membership subscriptions, donations and money raised through various other means. Each unit has to contribute towards the support of the Provincial and National Federations.
Art 34: Authentic Text
The authentic text of the Statues is the one approved by the Council of the National Federation.
Art 35: Relationship with the Salesian Congregation
- The members of the Association see in the Rector Major the image of Don Bosco and they accept him as their guide; they look to the Salesians for an ongoing clear-cut and adequate spiritual guidance. They share in the mission of the Salesian Congregation and pledge themselves to be signs and bearers of God’s love to all, especially to the young and to the poor.
- The Unit acknowledges the Provincial and the Rector as the representatives of the Rector Major and the Salesian Congregation. They are, by right, members of the Committee but, as a rule, they exercise that responsibility through a Salesian appointed to act as their Delegate.
- The basic working principle of the Association is that all deliberations are made with the concurrence of the Salesians according to the family spirit of the educative community, which is characteristic of the Association.
Art. 36: Interpretation of Statutes
The interpretation of the Unit Statutes and Regulations is left to the Committee of the Provincial Federation.
Art. 37: Amendments
Any amendment to these Statutes needs the approval of the Council of the National Federation with more than half the members voting in favour.
Here the word ‘institution’ implies any Salesian establishment such as formal and non-formal educational centres, oratories, youth centres, works for the young at risk, etc., where young people receive formation or training.
GEX is the short form for the Italian expression Giovani Exallievi, meaning ‘Young Past Pupils’.
Here it must be kept in mind that since Annual General Assembly of a Unit is held only once a year and its date often fixed to coincide with public holidays like August 15, January 26, etc, Unit elections would have to be held, at times, even a year ahead of the Provincial elections. The purpose of staggering the four levels of elections – from local unit to world level – is to give the newly elected office bearers the opportunity to take part in the elections at each higher level).
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