World SKILLS 2018-INDIA was gumption by NSDC like every year. It was a dream come true for one of our student who latched on to his competition 2018. We present you with gaiety and amour proper Master Saif Ali Khan, student of Trade Refrigeration & Air Conditioning 2017-18 who vanquished the Bronze Medal in the most prodigious Skill Competition of India
Saif’s promenade springed from the competition at the Maharashtra State level, where he triumphed over other competitors and was qualified to the next level. He headed towards the regional competition held at Jaipur, where he had to scramble with other states Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh respectively.
With great determination and fortitude he conquered the emulation and made his enroute to India Skills National Competition – New Delhi. There were galore of competitors around 400 in number from 27 states to exhibit their finesse in 45 different skills. Comprehensively 164 participants were endowed with medals in their corresponding skills tier
Applauding the Winners, Shri. Anand Kumar Hegde, Minister of State, Ministry being skill Development & Entrepreneurship exhilarated the participants and winners emphasizing on the significance of progressing & remodeling the skills with each new day as this would be the income producer of the life.
Master Saif Ali Khan was accolade with Bronze Medal certificate & cash prize of 50,000 /-. It follows that this achievement has imprinted SJITI at National Level for the first time in the History of SJITI and in the unified Don Bosco technical Institutions Network.